The EPA has published LIST N: Disinfectants for Use against SARS-CoV-2. This list identifies disinfectant formulas that have a previously known human corona virus claim and/or an Emerging Viral Pathogen Claim. A big source of confusion is that any disinfectant should be referenced by the EPA registration number, NOT the product name or manufacturer. The reason… the primary registrant is usually the supplier of the disinfectant active ingredient raw material, not the actual disinfectant. These primary registrants license the manufacture of their formulas to EPA registered manufacturing establishments. By law, the EPA registration number must be displayed on the label of the product along with active ingredients. As long as the EPA registration numbers match the first 2 sets of numbers xxxxx-xxx, the product is approved for use on the virus that causes COVID-19. Note the recommended guidance recommends a disinfectant with an Emerging Viral Pathogen Claim be the first choice.
Health Canada also maintains a comprehensive list of approved Disinfectants
Disinfectants approved by EPA and Health Canada against Corona Virus